At a time when many children are safely back to school, it’s unthinkable that in other parts of the world some children are living a different horrific reality ...
At only 13 years old, Danyal* is living with his family at a displacement camp in Northeast Syria. His fervent wish is to just have his old life back. “If I had a magic wand, I would have returned things to the way they were before, without war, and I would have left no soldiers, no war, no warplanes, and built a school for children to study.”
Sadly, the experiences of Danyal and his sister Maya are far too common with children growing up, and even born, in conflict. As families flee for safety, they lose crucial access to services, like schools and hospitals.
You can help restore safe spaces for children to learn, play and develop.
*Names of children have been changed to protect identities.