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EMERGENCY: Children in Myanmar urgently need your help


5 questions about malnutrition you’ve always wanted answered

04 July 2023, Impact of Our Work

Our dedicated supporters often contact us with many important and interesting questions

We always try to answer them where possible. 

Learning what causes the problem is a great way to understand how we can help make steps to battle Malnutrition and knowing that many myths of malnutrition can be greatly exaggerated.

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children receive lifesaving diarrhoea treatment.
children receive a week's supply of high-nutrient peanut paste.
children receive urgent treatment for deadly pneumonia.
children receive a mosquito net to protect them from malaria.

Here are five of the most commonly asked questions we have had about malnutrition. 

How does poverty lead to malnutrition?

How does poverty lead to malnutrition?

It’s often the case that a poor family can’t afford enough nutritious food for their children. They may lack decent healthcare facilities to keep them safe and well and are less likely to have clean water and proper sanitation, making them prone to disease and malnutrition.
 Why do malnourished children have big bellies?

Why do malnourished children have big bellies?

Many types of malnutrition cause a build-up of fluid in a child’s body, often in their abdomen, which gives them a swollen, bloated appearance. 

Why do children still suffer from malnutrition if we’re working so hard to prevent it?

Why do children still suffer from malnutrition if we’re working so hard to prevent it?

At the moment, we sadly can’t reach every child at risk of malnutrition around the world. But we’re doing everything we can to invest in healthcare, sanitation and livelihoods and we’re determined that one day we’ll eradicate malnutrition for good.

What’s the problem with formula milk?

What’s the problem with formula milk?

Unlike breastmilk, formula milk doesn’t contain antibodies that boost a baby’s immune system and protect them from disease, which is very important in developing countries. It’s also expensive and hard to prepare safely in homes that have no clean water or means of sterilization.

How can I help hungry children?

How can I help hungry children?

You can help by supporting our work to prevent and treat malnutrition all over the world. With you on our side, we can keep more children healthy, lift families out of poverty and ultimately eradicate malnutrition altogether.

For many children around the world, the difference between life and death comes down to access to basic healthcare. Yet healthcare is a fundamental right of children everywhere. We want children to survive preventable diseases and malnutrition. But we can’t do it without your support.

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