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Charity organisations

Every child deserves a bright future with a safe and happy childhood. Make a difference to children in need by donating to charity organisations today.

There are many vulnerable people in the world who rely on help and support from charity organisations, and children are among those who need help the most. Below find out how, as one of the world’s leading children’s charity organisations, we help millions of children in need and their families across the globe.
For over 100 years, Save the Children has been championing children’s rights. We believe every child has the right to survival, protection, development and participation. We have grown into a global charity organisation helping children in over 117 countries. Here is more about what we do as a children’s charity organisation and how you can get involved with a local charity organisation in your area.

How Do We Help Children Through Our Charity Organisation?

There are two main arms of the support and aid we provide to children in need and their families:

  • Emergency response - We have teams that are ready to go to provide immediate aid and support to children affected by humanitarian emergencies and crises. We have teams on the ground providing life-saving essentials and ongoing protection & support in countries all around the world.
  • Programs - Our programs focus on ensuring children are protected from harm and have access to opportunities that enable them to have the best start in life so they can reach their full potential. We work in partnership with local communities, all levels of government, other NGOs, community and advocacy groups, corporate partners and individual donors to create positive, long-lasting change for children, families and their communities.

Your donation can save a child's life

Your generous donation today has the power to save and transform the life of a child.

See your impact for children

Move the slider to see how your donation could make a difference for children every month.
children receive lifesaving diarrhoea treatment.
children receive a week's supply of high-nutrient peanut paste.
children receive urgent treatment for deadly pneumonia.
children receive a mosquito net to protect them from malaria.

Supporting Local Charity Organisations

Our programs run in many countries around the world, but also here in Australia. There are many children in Australia, with many living in remote areas that have limited or no access to support and services.

If you would like to get involved with a local charity organisation, here is how you can help in your local area:

How You Can Support Our Charity Organisation

Donations enable us to continue to support children in need here in Australia and around the world. To help us help children in need, you can make a single donation today or become a monthly giver.

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International Programs

Our programs give children an education, a healthy start in life, resilience in the face of disasters and the chance to go further than they dreamed possible.

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Emergency Response

In an emergency we provide life-saving essentials – food, clean water, healthcare and shelter – and services such as education and protection support for children.

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Stay up to date on how Save the Children is creating a world where every child has a safe and happy childhood