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Donate to help children

Find out how a single or regular donation can help children in need. Learn about our aid programs and accountability, then make a contribution today.

Your donation can save a child's life

Your generous donation today has the power to save and transform the life of a child.

See your impact for children

Move the slider to see how your donation could make a difference for children every month.
children receive lifesaving diarrhoea treatment.
children receive a week's supply of high-nutrient peanut paste.
children receive urgent treatment for deadly pneumonia.
children receive a mosquito net to protect them from malaria.

While Australia is a first world country, not child experiences a safe home, learning opportunities and a healthy standard of living. Many children in Australia experience poverty, hunger, social disadvantages and family violence.
Save the Children delivers child protection and education programs in regional, urban and remote locations throughout Australia. You can donate to help children and donate to a child in need with a regular monthly donation.

Why Children In Need Require You To Donate

Our evidence-based, world-renowned programs reach at-risk Australian children in regional, urban and remote locations. We are dedicated to keeping children safe and on track for a brighter future. When you donate to Save the Children, you get peace of mind that 73 cents in every dollar going towards helping protect children in Australia. Our three areas of focus in Australia include:
  • Helping families provide a safe, positive and supportive home environment.
  • Providing access to quality education while encouraging children and young people to become engaged with their learning.
  • Supporting local communities so children and young people feel connected, safe and strong.
Before donating to a charity, we suggest you consider the following:
  • Checking to see if the charity is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC).
  • ​Finding out if the charity is a member of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) and that they’ve signed the Code of Conduct.
  • Checking that the programs delivered are evidence-based and produce long-lasting results. It’s also a good idea to check the annual reports.

How To Donate To Help Children

We rely on your generous regular monthly donations to fund our emergency response and lifesaving programs in Australia. The donations for children’s shelter include supported accommodation that cares for pregnant women and mothers with newborns from remote communities. This program ensures babies are given the best opportunities during their first 1,000 days of life.
When you donate to homeless children, you help us provide safe accommodation, support and counselling services for women and their children who are escaping family or domestic violence.

Support Youth Support Programs

Regular monthly donations also help us fund our Mobile Youth Van (M.Y. van) program. This innovative education and child protection program has been designed to reach Australia’s most hard to reach and vulnerable children. Using sport, digital media and music, this program was established in 2012 and has reached 1,000’s of young people in Victoria and NSW.

Donate to help children today

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Stay up to date on how Save the Children is creating a world where every child has a safe and happy childhood