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Child Protection Volunteer 

Become a child protection volunteer by supporting our programs and registering your interest in volunteer opportunities. Contact us to find out how to help.

Becoming A Child Protection Volunteer

Save the Children Australia is focused on the care and protection of children in Australia and around the world. For over 100 years we have been championing the rights of children and believe every child deserves the right to survival, protection, development and participation.

We run programs here in Australia and in 20 countries around the world that are based on putting children first and giving them a bright future. All our child protection programs emphasise the importance of learning for children. We aim to provide families with a safe, positive and supportive environment whilst creating safer communities for children and youth to help them grow into responsible adults.

One way you can support these programs is by becoming a child protection volunteer. In addition to donations, we rely on volunteers to continue running our programs to reach as many children as possible.

What Child Protection Volunteer Opportunities Are Available?

By becoming a volunteer with Save the Children you can truly make a difference to the lives of children. There are many different types of volunteer positions available. Here are a few examples:

  • Child Protection Volunteer - This type of volunteer helps to protect children who may be facing abuse or neglect. They work with families and communities to create safe environments for children.

  • Learning and Literacy Volunteer - These volunteers help promote education and literacy for children in underprivileged areas. They often work in schools, libraries, or community centres.

  • Violence Prevention Volunteer - This type of volunteer helps prevent violence against children before it happens. They work with families, schools, and communities to educate people about the dangers of violence and how to keep kids safe.

What Do Child Protection Volunteers Do?

The main responsibility of a child protection volunteer is to ensure the safety and well-being of children. They do this by providing support to families, working with local communities, and raising awareness about important child protection issues.

For more than 65 years, we have been working in Australia to deliver programs that focus on the care and protection of children. We create positive, long-term change for children who are facing complex life situations. All our child protection programs focus on three key outcomes:

  1. Helping children participate in and engage with learning.

  2. Providing families with safe, positive and supportive home environments.

  3. Creating safe, strong and connected communities for children and young people.

When you become a child protection volunteer, there are several different ways you can provide support - some of these may include providing emotional support to children who have been abused or neglected, helping children who have been separated from their parents or guardians, assisting with family reunification efforts, working with law enforcement officials to investigate allegations of child abuse or neglect and promoting public education and awareness about child abuse and neglect.

Register Your Interest In Child Protection Volunteer Opportunities

If you're interested in helping with the care and protection of children and becoming a child protection volunteer, then we are the perfect organisation for you.

You can volunteer with us in our programs and offices throughout Australia (excluding NT and ACT), or for specific child protection volunteer opportunities you can apply for a specific role or register your interest in volunteering.

If there are no volunteering roles suitable, you may like to consider fundraising for Save the Children. Thousands of Australians who care about children as much as you also help us raise funds every year through state events, fundraising in school or by organising their own events.

Contact us to find out how you can volunteer or fundraise to help protect children and their families today.

Stay up to date on how Save the Children is creating a world where every child has a safe and happy childhood