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Papua New Guinea Charity

Children in Papua New Guinea need our help to ensure they are safe, healthy and have a good start in life. Donate to our PNG charity to support our programs.

Every child deserves a bright future, and our vision is a world in which every child lives, learns and is safe from harm - which is what we are working towards as a Papua New Guinea charity. Below is why children in Papua New Guinea need our help and the work we do as a PNG charity.

For over 100 years we have been defending children’s rights to survive and thrive. We protect and empower children and work hard to create a world where every child has a safe & happy childhood by giving them a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. Here is the work we do as a Papua New Guinea charity and why help is needed for children and their families in PNG:

Why Are PNG Charities Needed?

With the impacts of climate change escalating, natural hazards in the pacific, including Papua New Guinea are becoming more frequent & intense. This, along with a lack of funding resulting in inadequate services & infrastructure means many children & their families are relying on PNG charities to help ensure they are healthy, safe and have a chance at a bright future. 

Currently, many healthcare and education systems in the pacific are unable to meet children’s needs. Children in PNG are also at a high risk of sexual abuse & exploitation, violence & child labour. Children, their families and communities in PNG also need to know how to anticipate, prepare and recover from disasters as a result of climate change.

The Work We Do As A Papua New Guinea Charity

We have established offices and programs in Papua New Guinea to help children and their families in need.  Some of the work we do as a PNG charity includes:

  • Working with government, local partners and communities to deliver healthcare, education and child protection programs

  • Working with the Government in Papua New Guinea to make schools safer during disasters

  • Helping children and families to prepare for disasters and building the capacity of local communities to respond & recover from disasters

  • Creating opportunities for children to actively participate in making their communities more resilient to the current and projected impacts of climate change

  • Encouraging expectant mothers in the East Sepik Province to give birth in a health centre instead of at home through our Baby Kit Project

Donate To A Papua New Guinea Charity Today

One of the best ways you can support the work we do as a PNG charity is to donate. You can make a single donation today or become a monthly giver to make a positive difference in the lives of children & their families in PNG. Over 80% of your donation goes directly towards program expenditure so you know your generosity is going where it’s needed most and donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Stay up to date on how Save the Children is creating a world where every child has a safe and happy childhood