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Voluntourism Organisations

Learn about harmful voluntourism organisations and how you can get involved with Save the Children instead. Express your interest or apply for a role.

There’s a rising trend of people wanting to get involved with voluntourism organisations to help improve the lives of people overseas. However, there are negative aspects to consider, including:

  • Local skilled workers are missing out on employment opportunities
  • Individuals or organizations not following essential child protection practises 
  • Contributing to the orphanage tourism trade
Some travellers feel the urge to get involved with volunteer tourism organisations after seeing the struggles of children and their families. But, learn the truth about voluntourism before continuing your search and consider volunteering locally or making a donation instead.

Voluntourism Organisations 

Save the Children is a member of the ReThink Orphanages network whose vision is “a world where no child is needlessly separated from their family, and the institutionalisation of children is a thing of the past”.

We don’t offer voluntourism opportunities with children abroad because our programs support the work of overseas local organisations and their communities. Instead, we recommend getting involved with local member branches and volunteering your time to supporting the local communities and children in need.

A Better Alternative to Voluntourism Organizations

When you volunteer your time with Save the Children, you help us keep delivering our programs to save children’s lives. Your volunteer work within Australia will help us achieve three major breakthroughs for children:

  • That all children are safe with no violence against children tolerated
  • That no child dies from preventable causes before their 5th birthday
  • Every child gets has access to and learns from a basic quality education

Our development and aid programs reach children in the most extreme humanitarian emergencies throughout Australia, South East and South-Central Asia, Africa, the Middle East and the Pacific. Read the stories of our volunteers.

Become A Save The Children Volunteer

You can apply for Australian volunteer roles or register your interest for a role. The benefits you get from being a Save the Children volunteer include:

  • Meeting likeminded people and making new friends
  • Learning new skills while you use your existing ones
  • Contributing to solving issues affecting vulnerable communities in Australia and overseas.

We’re always searching for volunteers to fill specific roles in our organisation. Express a general interest in volunteer work with us or apply for a specific role. 

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