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Our work across Asia Pacific region

The Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2022

Discover what Save the Children is doing to support and protect the rights of children, to amplify their voices and to promote programs in Disaster Risk Reduction from Nepal to New Zealand.

Save the Children Australia 

  1. Comprehensive School Safety Framework 2022-2030
  2. CSSF Launch Poster

Save the Children China 

  1. Family Safety Plan Brochure 
  2. School Safety Context Analysis

Save the Children Fiji 

  1. Emergency and Safety Procedures for Schools Promotional
  2. Fiji Emergency and safety procedures for schools. Part 1. Children's rights
  3. Fiji Emergency and safety procedures for schools Part 2. SOPs
  4. Fiji Emergency and safety procedures for schools Part 3. Building evacuation
  5. Fiji Emergency and safety procedures for schools Part 4. Fire safety
  6. Fiji Emergency and safety procedures for schools Part 5. Earthquake
  7. Fiji Emergency and safety procedures for schools Part 6. Storms, Floods
  8. Fiji Emergency and safety procedures for schools Part 7. Lockdown and safe family reunification 

Save the Children Indonesia 

  1. Praktik Baik Program Pengurangan Risiko Bencana Save the Children Indonesia di Provinsi Jawa Barat (Community DRR Good Practices - Save the Children Indonesia Risk Reduction Program in West Java Province) 
  2. Education Safe from Disasters and Simulasi Rencana Kontijensi Bencana Banjir (Simulation for the Flood Hazard Contingency Plan) 

Save the Children Lao PDR 

  1. Listen and Learn from Children
  2. Ma ma ma song
  3. PAPE Key Messages Lao Version (2019)
  4. DRR poster in English

Save the Children Nepal 

  1. Safe School video
  2. SRSP Policy Brief
  3. Safe Schools (Nepali)
  4. Young Climate Activist: Impact Story

Save the Children New Zealand 

  1. Child Rights Flyer - Te Reo Maori
  2. Child Rights Flyer - English 
  3. How to make a tippy tap video

Save the Children Philippines 

  1. SC Philippines Sasakawa Award video

Save the Children Vanuatu 

  1. Vanuatu School Disaster Management Handbook, 2016 

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