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This page serves as a guideline for main page templates and widget functionality on the website


1. Page templates
2. Widgets

1. Page templates

1. Right-aligned donation form template 

Required Assests:

  1. Banner Image: 1600 x 675px If the banner is light on the left-hand side, please darken it so the banner heading will be visible.
  2. Teaser image square: 584 x 584px
  3. Teaser image rectangle: 1000 x 650px
  4. Banner heading: No more than 3 words to name the donation page – to fit on one line.
  5. Banner sub heading: No more than 85 characters to give additional context – to fit on two lines max.
  6. Body heading: 90 characters to summarize the issue. Will ideally fit on 1 line, no more than 2 lines
  7. SEO checked body copy: Up to 250 words to explain how the donation helps. 
    NB: Please note that on mobile, this copy stacks before the donation form, so the longer 
    the copy the further down the donation form will be.
  8. Short url (if required)
  9. ATD code
  10. Array values(for appeals only) and default values with impact messages

2. Hybrid donation form template

Required Assests:

  • ​Banner Image:  1600 x 1400px
  • Teaser image square: 584 x 584px
  • Teaser image rectangle: 1000 x 650px
  • Body heading: ~8 words
  • SEO checked body copy
  • Short url (if required)
  • ATD code
  • Array values and default values with impact messages

3. Donation thank you page template - These pages will be hidden from the website and search results and will only be visible after completing a donation.

Required Assests:

  • Banner Image: 1600 x 675px
  • Body copy

4. eDM thank you page template -  Same template as donation Thank You page. These pages will be hidden from the website and search results and will only be visible via an eDM.

Required Assests:

  • Banner Image: 1600 x 675px
  • Body copy

5. Petitions template
Click here to see a live example. 
Required Assests:

  • Banner Image: 1200 x 560px
  • Body image: 300 x 300px
  • SEO checked body copy

6. Anuual report template

6. Media release template
Click here to see a live example. 

7. General landing page template:
Clcik on each link to see live examples. This template is used with using different widgets for Our stories, Programs, SEO and all other general welpages

2. Widgets

1. Banner widget

- This is a must on any pages (excluding Media Releases; use the 2nd header widget) on the website. Up to 5 anchor links (links within the same page) can also be used if there's a special requirement approved by digital.
Image size: 1600 x 675px

Banner heading goes here

Banner sub heading goes here.

2. Title header widget

Header Title:

Sub title:
19 April 2024

3. Text Block

- Used to enter the body copy of a page.

This is a H2 heading

This  is H3 a heading

This  is H4 a heading

This is paragrap style that uses for body copy. "italic"  Text [superscript*] small text.

4. Pull Quote widget

Quote sentence.


5. Text Media widget

- This can be used to link to another page or to show an video. If there are more than one text media widgets, we swap the text and image as below. The background color of the first widget will be light grey, and the background color of the second widget will be white. If there are more than two widgets, the same order repeats.

Image size: 584X390 px
Word count: 50-60 words

Short heading

Short heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam aliquet magna nec leo tempor, sed volutpat justo varius. Suspendisse potenti.
Learn more
Short heading

Short heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam aliquet magna nec leo tempor, sed volutpat justo varius. Suspendisse potenti.
Learn more

Short heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam aliquet magna nec leo tempor, sed volutpat justo varius. Suspendisse potenti.

6. Featurette image widget

Image size: 584 x 390 pix

Our work in Australia

We deliver our services in Australia as 54 reasons – a name inspired by the 54 articles in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Our services support children and young people to learn, grow, dream big, feel safe and supported.

Learn more

7. Four colum widget

-This can be also reduced to have only two or three columns

Image size: 64 × 64 px

Heading - this is optional

Sub heading - this is optional

We improve the health of children and families so children no longer die of preventable illnesses and live past their fifth birthday.


We create greater access to quality education and ensure that girls and boys are able to learn in safe and positive environments.


We ensure children are safe at all times and prevent their exposure to abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence.


When disaster strikes, we ensure that children are given care and emotional support to survive, recover and continue to learn and live a normal life.

8. Feature Video

Image size: 1200x400px

9. Gallery widget

Image size: 1000x650px
Word count: less than 150

10. CTA widget

11. Impact calculator

Your donation can save a child's life

Your generous donation today has the power to save and transform the life of a child.

See your impact for children

Move the slider to see how your regular gift helps make a difference for children every month
peanut pastes could feed 4 undernourished children for a week.
mosquito nets can protect 4 families from malaria.
peanut pastes could feed 4 undernourished children for a week.
mosquito nets can protect 4 families from malaria.

12. Donation banner

Image size: 934 × 918 px

13. Timeline widget 

Image size: 852 × 568 px
word count: 50-60
Number of elements: 10

Scroll to see your impact over the last 10 years

14. Homepage banner (Homepage slider)

Stay up to date on how Save the Children is creating a world where every child has a safe and happy childhood