If images and news reports of children impacted by abuse, neglect, disease, war and conflict pull at your heartstrings, you’ll be interested in how you can support a child in need. Helping children in need is as easy as making a regular monthly donation to Save the Children.
We have been helping children in need through our emergency response and aid and development programs for over 100 years. By working in partnership with other NGOs, local communities, advocacy groups and all levels of government, we create long-lasting change for disadvantaged children and their families.
How You Can Help A Child In Need
Our work is focused on helping children in need in Australia and around the world in 20 countries across South-East and South-Central Asia, the Pacific region, the Middle East and Australia. Our emergency responses include the Yemen Crisis and the Rohingya Crisis. We aim to reach three bold goals with our international programs that include:
- Ensuring no child dies from preventable causes before their 5th birthday
- Giving all children a quality basic education
- Protecting children against abuse, neglect and violence.
When considering what is a child in need we look at accessibility to clean water and nutritious food, economic disadvantage, ability to access education and healthcare and whether the child is under threat from war, conflict, abuse or neglect. While Australia is regarded as a first world country, there are more than 17% of Australian children living below the poverty line.
Our Australian programs aim to create long-lasting positive change for children and their families. And with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children overrepresented in the institutional care and the juvenile justice system, we need your help.

What Your Donation Can Go Towards
To help children in need we need you to donate. A small regular monthly donation towards helping children in need in Australia and overseas can have a big impact that includes:
● $20 feeds a malnourished child for 2 weeks with nutritious peanut paste
● $30 can pay for medical fees that can save a malnourished child
● $50 can help a child recover and heal from abuse through a therapeutic place with our trained staff
● $80 can provide 4,800 people with safe and clean drinking water
● $125 can give a child who has experienced violence safe housing and counselling
● $160 can create safe spaces in refuges for children so they’re not the forgotten victims of violence.
To support our work further, you could also shop at our Op Shops or participate in or organise fundraising events.