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Shehab’s superpower

16 October 2024, Impact of Our Work

Protection through education and play in Jordan

“Education is very important. It's important for all children, whether girls or boys. But for girls, education is a weapon in their hands. They can face whatever comes their way.”  – Shehab*, 16. 
October this year marked the 12th anniversary of International Day of the Girl, a day to celebrate girls everywhere, their rights and voices. This important date is a reminder to do all we can to drive change towards a safer world where girls are equal and can thrive. 

Girls worldwide are uniting to create change in their communities, even in the most challenging environments. Save the Children supports this by partnering with girl-led groups on their terms; girls like Shehab.
Shehab is a gentle spirit who loves to draw anime and design clothes. She was born with a disability and arrived at Zaatari Refugee Camp when she was four years old after escaping the Syrian conflict with her family. Shehab loves school but was bullied so ferociously that she eventually dropped out.

“I saw a lot of children like me, who were being bullied … But when I came here, my personality got strengthened and I became able to defend those like me,” 
says Shehab.
“I was very happy and I was one of the top students, but when I was exposed to [bullying], my studies declined, to the point that my grades dropped,”  Shehab explains. “I completely stopped participating in school. I used to sit at the back alone with no friends.”

This experience shattered her confidence and she was in a dark place when Save the Children staff offered her some support.

Safety, solidarity and education

Shehab was introduced to the Adolescent Girls Empowerment Centre, which was opened by Save the Children in 2022 and is run by and for young women and girls. Older girls act as mentors and everyone has a say in the program of activities. There’s something for everyone, from art therapy, self-defence and language lessons to yoga and advocacy workshops.

See how the classes have helped Shehab’s confidence and provided her with new opportunities in the video below.  
For girls like Shehab who’ve missed out on school, there are also classes to help them catch up and regain their confidence, there’s a library, a nursery so that children with caring responsibilities can bring their siblings to be looked after while they learn and play.
For me, child rights means to have the freedom of expression, to have a safe place to live with your family, to have freedom and the right to play.


The atmosphere in the centre is joyful and loud, with multiple activities taking place at the same time. Mentors, staff and girls all interact together and know each other well. Some girls just hang  out and play games, others read, there’s music playing in the background and it’s obvious that this is a place where girls can relax and be – or discover – themselves.

Shehab had planned to quietly blend into the background and protect herself from more bullying, but slowly started to trust that the centre was special. She made friends, gained confidence, and attended workshops on bullying, learning that it was the bullies who had the problem, not her. 

“Here we read stories, and do boxing, which helps us a lot so we can defend ourselves. And we also help each other with our studies,”  says Shehab.

Group photo at a self-defence class at an Adolescent  Girls Empowerment Centre, run by Save the Children.

From self-defence to defending others

With the support and encouragement of the women and girls at the centre, Shehab returned to school and has started to come out of her shell. She reaches out to other children affected by bullying and shares what she’s learned about child rights with her community. 

“When I came here, I learned what children's rights are. And I started raising awareness for others and the younger ones. I actually give sessions in our neighbourhood for children about children's rights, so they can know their rights and are able to defend themselves. It's a very good feeling because I felt like I was doing something for society, I was changing something. I felt like I was a leader for those children,”  says Shehab.

Her goal is to stay in education and eventually train to become a human rights lawyer. When asked why she wants to pursue law, her answer is clear.

“So that I can defend vulnerable people ... and protect their rights.

Photos: Kate Stanworth / Save the Children
*Name changed to protect their identity.

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