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One year of war

02 October 2024, Emergencies

How are the children in Gaza?

One year on since conflict escalated in Gaza, life for children has taken on a different kind of normal.

Over 1 million children are living without enough food. With all schools closed, more than 600,000 children in Gaza are out of school. Many are displaced, with 60 % of homes destroyed.

Fear, loss, devastation marks everyday life. A year of bombardment has shattered childhoods.

We had everything [before the war], we had water and all our needs. But it’s difficult now.

Somayya*, mother of seven

Somayya and her children take shelter at a displacement camp
Photo: Yasmeen Fayeq/Save the Children

“Before [my children] they used to laugh, play, study and learn. Now there is no education, nothing,”  she says.

Somayya’s children are falling behind in their education. With the uncertainty of war, they have lost interest in school.  

Without access to proper nutrition, her youngest child Ali* became severely malnourished. This condition affected his bones, and he could not move, crawl or walk. 

This must not become the new normal for children

Save the Children has been working with families like that of Somayya, providing food, water and lifesaving healthcare. Amidst extremely challenging conditions, we’ve been working around the clock to find ways to deliver support.  

With the help of donors, this includes:
  • Alongside local partners, we’re distributing vital supplies to families across shelters and households - drinking water, food, hygiene products, mattresses, blankets, learning materials, toys, and games. 
  • We’re providing communities with clean water through water trucking, installing latrines in shelters and conducting health and hygiene promotion sessions. 
  • Alongside partners, we are deploying staff to keep shelters clean, critical to helping keep disease outbreaks at bay. 
  • We’re providing cash to families so they can buy food and any other essentials 
  • We’re running Child Friendly Spaces, ensuring children have a safe space to play, receive psychosocial support and escape from the traumatic experiences they’re enduring. 
  • Our Emergency Health Unit is providing primary healthcare and maternal and newborn care and we’re screening and treating children for acute malnutrition. 

With thanks to donors, Ali received treatment at a Save the Children clinic. 
Photo: Yasmeen Fayeq/Save the Children

Together we can rebuild shattered childhoods

In areas of conflict, hope and a chance for a brighter future is never absent. From Gaza, Save the Children health worker Dr Jamal Imam expresses the need to keep showing up for children. 

“You might be wondering where the strength comes from that keeps me standing. The truth is, I don’t really know. That’s the honest answer. But I do know that this strength is not mine alone. The resilience of people in Gaza, especially children, inspires me deeply. They refuse to lose their will to live, clinging to a love for life that defies all odds.

“I’m also inspired by the support of people … helping to provide a lifeline to these children when they need it most. With [this] support, we can help bring more children back from the brink.”
We’re calling for a ceasefire as the only way to truly protect children’s lives

Dr Jamal Imam, from Gaza

Calling for an immediate and definitive ceasefire

An immediate and definitive ceasefire is the only way to save lives in Gaza and end grave violations of children’s rights. There is no alternative. 

While we continue to push for a definitive ceasefire, improved humanitarian access, and better protections for children, we are doing everything we can to provide essential support to families in need. And we stand ready to scale-up this support further as soon as we are able to safely. 

With help from donors, we can offer safe spaces for children to play, learn, and receive mental health support. We can provide families with food and clean water. We can supply medical kits to hospitals and repair damaged schools. We can provide urgent mental health support and continue to advocate for children’s rights.

Please stand with us in solidarity with children at their time of great need. 

*Names changed to protect identities

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