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The power of positive parenting

27 May 2024, Impact of Our Work

Rebuilding lives and relationships after loss

“Their education is my first priority. I will do everything I can. I will try to have them educated as long as the girls want.” - Ghalia*

When a devastating flood destroyed her home and nearly took her eldest daughter, Ghalia had no choice but to move her small family to Egypt in search of a safer life.  While living away from their home in Sudan has been tough for the mother and her daughters, the family have been brought closer together with the help of a Save the Children run program for positive parenting. 

Through the kind support of donors, the family attended life-skills sessions to strengthen their relationship with each other. Now Ghalia and her daughters Sheza,* 14, Sulafa,* 9 and Amal,* 7, are closer than ever and the children can focus on chasing their dreams.

A lucky escape

From the safety of their new home, Ghalia and her daughters receive support to recover from their painful experience.

In 2021 disastrous floods rushed through the area of Sudan where Ghalia and her family lived. The floods have been increasing each year, becoming more severe and frequent because of the climate crisis. Their home was ripped apart and a piece of sheet metal from the roof of their house fell on Sheza who was 13 at the time. Ghalia was able to partially lift the metal off her daughter long enough for people to come and help her. Thankfully the family were able to escape with their lives, but others were not so lucky. 

 “I hope you never witness something similar,”  Ghalia says remembering back to that time.

Ghalia sits with her daughters Sheza and Sulafa inside their home in Cairo.

Beginning a new life 

After the deluge, the family were forced to flee to Egypt to start again. Life in Cairo has been difficult, but Ghalia works hard to provide for her children and help them thrive. Ghalia discovered Save the Children’s Positive Parenting sessions, where she learned to manage her stress and provide a safe and supportive environment at home. 

The program is designed to help parents communicate better with their children and also increases awareness about raising children without violence and how to establish routines giving children structure and time to study and rest. Ghalia attended all 18 sessions of the program, and credits them for her improved relationships with her children, particularly her teenage daughter Sheza.

When I took the Save the Children session, I started to listen to (my daughter). I am exchanging ideas with her, and I listen to her as well. I am no longer irritable like I used to be.


Sisters Sulafa, Amal, and Sheza, participating in an activity inside a community school in Cairo.

Education helps build dreams

Thanks to our supporters, the three girls have been able to attend a community school run by Save the Children. The school provides support to Sudanese children living in the area and is helping families to rebuild their lives. 

The girls love learning at school and have big dreams for the future. Sheza dreams of becoming a petroleum engineer, Sulafa of becoming a pilot and seeing the Eiffel tower in person, and Amal wants to be an officer to protect herself and her people.

I hope when I become older to achieve the dreams of my mother.


Amal, 7, shows her drawing at her home in Cairo, Egypt.

Whichever path Sheza, Sulafa and Amal eventually choose, with access to education and the immense support and love from their mum, the three girls are destined for good things.

*Names have been changed to protect identities.

Photos: Sima Diab/Save the Children.

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